After the success of its first store in the Mall of the Emirates, ftNFT is opening another real NFT store in the Dubai mall, reports Kostyantyn Kryvopust . NFT enthusiasts can now log in, purchase and take home their unique digital collectibles, knowing they own a piece of art like no other.
In addition, artists can easily share their creations with an ever-growing audience. ftNFT , the premier RNG-regulated NFT marketplace, enables creators to showcase their collectibles for fans around the world to discover and appreciate.
Shops ftNFT Go Phygital
Phygital retail combines physical and digital components to create an unparalleled shopping experience. As part of the Fastex ecosystem, the ftNFT store aims to bridge the digital and physical realms by providing an accessible experience for buying, selling and trading non-fungible tokens.
With an impressive network of over 7,000 users and 500 partners, Fastex aims to revolutionize Web 3.0 technologies by offering practical solutions designed specifically for businesses and communities around the world.
The ftNFT store is an innovative brick-and-mortar store that has joined the Fastex digital network, providing customers with an experience that seamlessly blends virtuality and reality.
In addition, ftNFT stores are not only for education, but also for sales. The products are more like museum pieces than department store items, making them the focus of NFT-related activity and community engagement.
Previous success of ftNFT at Mall of the Emirates
Since its grand opening, the ftNFT store at Mall of Emirates has received rave reviews from customers. During the grand opening of the store, visitors were able to interact personally with NFT artists and exhibitors from the region and gain insight into their craftsmanship.
Avid NFT shoppers have already praised the store for its creative concept and friendly staff, so it’s no surprise that ftNFT is expanding its retail options in Dubai Mall.
Located next to the towering Burj Khalifa, the tallest skyscraper in the world, The Dubai Mall offers unique shopping, dining and entertainment options like no other. In fact, it is the largest vacation spot on Earth!
The official opening ceremony will take place on March 17, 2023, when the world of NFTs will open its doors to the public at an official launch ceremony at the Dubai Mall. We invite everyone to join and discover this exciting realm of digital art.